How to reach Ganga Choti

Information regarding how to reach Ganga Choti in Bagh Azad Kashmir


Photo of Ganga Mountain fom Kotla village Rattan Valley
Photo of Ganga Mountain fom Kotla village Rattan Valley


Rout No.1

If you want to reach Ganga Choti Mountain, there are several routes, but if you're starting from Islamabad, you will have to take the route via Murree Kohala and then proceed towards Bagh City. From there, you can continue your journey towards Ganga Choti through Sudhan Gali Road. It takes approximately 5 hours to reach the mountain peak. The scenic beauty and the breathtaking views along the way make the long drive worth it. Ganga Choti is known for its majestic presence and is a popular spot for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers. So, pack your bags, gear up, and get ready for an unforgettable journey to Ganga Choti Mountain.

Route No. 2

If you want to go to Ganga Choti from Rawalpindi, you have to start your journey from Pir Wahadai Adda towards Fakhar-e-Kashmir Koster. From there, you will travel through Lahtrar Road, Kotli Sattyan, Tiyani, and Dhalkot, following the route along the Jhelum River, until you reach Bagh Chity. Then, you can continue your journey towards Ganga Choti by taking the Suhan Gali road. It takes approximately 4 hours to reach Bagh city and another hour to reach Ganga Choti from there.

Route No.3

If you want to visit Gang Choti from Muzaffarabad, you can reach there by taking a scenic route through Barasta Jhelum Valley and then reaching Sudhan Gali. From there, you can continue your journey and explore the beauty of Ganga Choti.